Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Guthrie Green - so awesome, it deserves a second post!

When I first started this blog back in September 2012, one of my first posts was on Guthrie Green – a park located in the revamped Brady District, designed to be a multi-purpose gathering place.  The park had just opened and already I was in love.  What I didn’t know and fully understand then was how phenomenal the park would be – in bringing people back to downtown, generating a wonderful sense of community, and celebrating all things Tulsa.

Almost every night of the week you will find something going on to suit your taste – fitness, live music, farmer’s market, movies, art – you name it, it’s happening at Guthrie Green.
Sunday – the absolute best day of the week as far as I’m concerned.  The Sunday Market kicks off at 10:00am and runs until 4:00pm.  Not just limited to fruits and vegetables, at this market you will find everything from plant cuttings to jewelry to original artwork.  At 2:00pm, if live music is your thing, you are in luck.  Musical acts vary from Sunday to Sunday and local acts feature prominently.  Bring a blanket, pack a picnic lunch and some mimosas, and just enjoy the fabulous sunshine.  Honestly, it’s my favorite way to waste away a Sunday afternoon.
If fitness is your thing, Guthrie Green offers you countless opportunities to stretch and get fit.

                Monday – Tai Chi (5:30pm)
                Tuesday – Boot Camp (5:30pm)
                Wednesday – Yoga (10:00am and 6:00pm)
                Thursday – Boot Camp
                Friday – Walking Fitness 

Wednesday – Food Trucks!  The food truck scene in Tulsa is exploding and here is your chance to sample some of the gourmet food that is being offered up.  I’ve raved about the fabulousness that is the Lone Wolf Food Truck and their delicious sandwiches and kimchi fries .  Or perhaps try a slice of Andolini’s pizza, or maybe a taco.  Whatever you have a craving for – you’ll find a truck to suit your needs.  And put any fear out of your mind!  The food is fresh (most trucks only buy what they will need for that one day), prepared right in front of you, and is by far some of the tastiest meals being served today. 
Thursday – Movies!  Every Thursday night when the sun goes down, you can catch a movie on the big screen.  The movies are usually oldies but goodies (The Bad News Bears, Smokey and The Bandit, etc) and it’s always fun to watch a movie under the stars.  It’s like the drive-in, but better!
Other upcoming events include Shakespeare in the Park (a perfect way to get a little culture), a Circus Skills Workshop (everyone should know how to juggle), and several classical concert series.  The first Friday of every month you can take advantage of First Friday Art Crawl – an event that continues to grow.  And on Saturday June 8th, it will also become the staging area for one of the more exciting events this summer – Tulsa Tough 2013, of which yours truly will be participating (Tulsa Tough). 
In a very short amount of time, Guthrie Green has become the kind of gathering place that has a certain magical quality to it.  People want to be there, to experience it, to feel connected to their neighbors, to get out and be a part of something larger. 
If you haven’t ventured down there – make your plans now.  It’s a beautiful facility and hopefully you’ll love it as much as I do.

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