Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Herb Festivals

Oh my goodness, do I love spring!  And now that spring has finally arrived inTulsa, it’s time to get out and get some fresh air.  This past Saturday my intention was to ridemy bike down to the Brookside Herb Festival but April showers and May flowersand all that nonsense put a kink in my plans so I chose to drive my car like aregular ole’ Joe.   Herb Day in Brookside features locally grownplants, herbs, and flowers for sale as well as other local merchandise to makeyour back yard the place to be this summer. Located at the corner of 41st & Peoria, it’s one of thefirst of several herb festivals this year. 

Full disclosure – every year I make a vow that I’m going tohave the best container garden ever – tomatoes, strawberries, basil, oregano,etc.   And every year it’s a miserablefailure.  Every.  Single. Year.  Last year I managed to keepone tomato plant alive and even managed one beautiful, ripe, tomato.  I mean, it was a work of art it was sopretty.  I had it all planned out – I wasgoing to come home, harvest my bounty (i.e. – my one tomato) and fix the mostdelicious BLT anyone has ever tasted.  Istepped outside, ready to pluck the tomato and….. it was gone!!  Seriously!! The best I can figure is the squirrels were onto my plan and decided tostrike first.  And that has been my mostsuccessful garden to date. 
The turnout this year was not the best with it being so coldand rainy, but there were still a few hearty souls.  I’ll admit that I didn’t linger as I normallywould have.  I pretty much ran throughthe whole thing, looking for a few heirloom tomato plants and a few herbs, inthe hope that this year’s garden is a little more successful.
In case you missed out on the Brookside event – do notfret!  April 20th is the SandSprings Herbal Affair.  This is one ofthe largest events and takes place around the town square.  Along with more than 100 vendors of herbs,perennials, heirloom plants, and gardening supplies, you can also check outsome of the delicious food trucks – everything from Amish to Indian.  Visit www.herbalaffairandfestival.comfor more information. 
And April 27th is the Jenks Herb & PlantFestival.  Taking place on Main Street,this event continues to grow and expand. In addition to plant vendors, you’ll find inflatable jungle gyms andface painting for the kiddos, pancake breakfasts for the early birds, and theReasor’s festival stage. 
Load up the kids, grab a red wagon or basket, and get out toa neighborhood festival.  You’ll have agreat time, find something you can’t live without, and get some fresh air.  What better way to spend a Saturday morning.

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