Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Tulsa has more festivals than you can shake a stick at.  Seriously!  It seems like every weekend there is some kind of festival celebrating some kind of something.

To name but just a few I've attended -
        UTSAV India Fest
        Scot Fest
        Greek Festival
        Shalom Fest
        Salsa Fest
        I AM Yoga Festival

This isn't even getting into Mayfest or Octoberfest, which are so large and unique, they will get their own feature post.

Recently we attended a couple of these festivals.  Last weekend I dragged Lou to the India Fest being held at the Pavilion Building.  Now, Lou just jumped right in and started exploring the different booths, exhibits, and sights.  Me?  I had to hang back a minute just to get my bearings.  I was like a dog that had just been dropped into a park full of squirrels - I wasn't sure where to look or where to go or what to do.  Once I had my act together, I caught up with Lou at the sari booth.  From there we explored the henna booth and then took in some Bollywood-style dancing before making our way to the food.  Full disclosure time - when it comes to exploring festivals - it is ALWAYS about the food.  Anyway - if I was having an issue with allergies before, I sure wasn't by the time we left.  The smell of curry was everywhere and it smelled so good and fresh.

This past weekend the Fosters and I tackled Scot Fest.  This event is held every September at the River West Festival Park.  It's a celebration of all things Scotland and Celtic.  This year there was the Whisky Tastings, Scottish and Irish dance demonstrations, demonstrations of traditional Scottish domestic skills, and the highlight of the event (at least I thought so) - "heavy athletic competitions".  We personally watched the Caber toss and I was flabbergasted.  A man (in a kilt) hoists a 19 foot pine log (weighing approximately 70 lbs) and attempts to toss it end over end.  Amazing!!  We also tried some local delicacies.  Let's just say I won't be adding haggis or scotch eggs to my dinner menu anytime soon.

Each festival has its own unique feel and flavor and every event I've attended has been very family-friendly.  So get out there and get yourself some culture.  Who knows - you might find you really like haggis.

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