Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Tulsa State Fair

First and foremost - I FREAKIN' LOVE THE FAIR!!!!  I love the smell of all that greasy food, the sounds of the midway, the weirdos, the cheap giveaway crap the vendors offer you!  Growing up, the fair was treated as a national holiday.  You talked about it, you made a game plan, you organized, you attacked!  And that has not changed!

My ultra-fabulous Granny, my mom, and I ventured out on a recent evening.  And it's always the same - the first thing, and I mean the VERY first thing we do, is hit the Oklahoma Pork Chop exhibit for a pork chop sandwich.  I don't know what it is, but that piece of pork loin on a plain bun with a little BBQ sauce is so amazingly good.

Our next stop on our culinary journey found us having some corn on the cob at the east end of the IPE building (now known as the QuikTrip Event Center).  In my humble opinion, this is the MUST eat item at the fair.  These amazing people roast the corn over an open fire, peel back the husk, did it in a vat of butter, and serve it up hot and juicy.  What's not to love??  We follow that with a serving of fried green tomatoes.  They slice the tomatoes thin, fry them up and serve them piping hot with a side of ranch dressing.  It was also that this point that I realized, with utter clarity - I am my mother's daughter.

Another must for us is to walk through all of the exhibits.  And we don't just stroll through casually but we look at every piece of crap, every offer, every exhibit and sample everything.  If you are giving away something, we will take it - magnets, pens, yard sticks, cups, bumper sticker - you name it.  It's part of the beauty of the fair.

And the people watching?  It's like winning the lottery.  Sweet goodness, there were some "looks" out there.  This is what I learned and I'd like to pass these tips on to you:
  • Just because you can fit into skinny jeans doesn't mean you should
  • Pink hot pants and cowboy boots do not work well on women with "ample" legs
  • If you are shaped like an M&M, maybe you should reconsider wearing that M&M jacket
  • Regardless of what you may think, the bare midriff is not making a comeback
So get out there and experience what the Tulsa State Fair has to offer.

And check back next week to learn about Wine, Arts, & Easels.....

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